
Annali di Stomatologia | 2018; IX (4): 141

ISSN 1971-1441 | DOI: 10.59987/ads/2018.4.141




It is with a great deal of satisfaction and pride that I present, as Editor in Chief, the first new edition of Annals of Stomatology.

A scientific magazine, founded in 1959, which after a period of pause, is ready to return pursuing its original mission with passion and renewed enthusiasm; seeking growth, improvement, and innovation.

Our magazine offers itself, in the international scene, as a tool for Research, analysis, and scientific dissemination, thanks to the knowledge and contribute of many scholars and researchers in the Sector.

With a solid base of teamwork, sharing the same goals and purposes, exchanging dynamic and transversal knowledge, we will work with commitment, determination and constancy to deliver a great magazine to support Research and Innovation.

Thanks to our professional background, we will be able to offer the consulting of updated and rigorous works as well as the dwelling on the in-depth treatment of individual clinical cases, received and characterized by elements of greater interest. Through a screening of carefully analyzed data we will evaluate a selection of papers, these will also include a study review from dental schools. On top of that we will present protocols and treatment procedures, also done through the most modern technologies; we aspire to possible new development and innovation projects.

Being an editor puts forward numerous possibilities, but above all, it offers a privileged approach to Research. I am grateful for this role and certificate of esteem, that I wish to be able to honor and share with the entire team. My fellow colleagues returned a great deal of enthusiasm, starting from the beginning of the project and along the route of our path.

We hope for an ever more widespread participation, openness to discussion and constructive exchange; if we will manage to turn our work into a tool of support and cultural and scientific enrichment, then we will have achieved our goal!

Enjoy this reading!